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Take Away
Rice$ is converted by OpenRice point and can be spent instantly when performing payment within OpenRice platform for takeaway, voucher, booking with menu and OpenRice pay services.

Online Booking:

If restaurant offers reward points, just make a booking at the designated restaurant through OpenRice and choose to earn Rice Dollars. Upon confirmation of attendance, each person will earn Rice Dollars $1. Some restaurants even offer Double Rice Dollars Rewards Offer from time to time!
*Each booking can earn up to 8 attendance Rice Dollars

App Version 6.2.0 or above
Spend $120 or more, earn 1% Rice Dollars rebate for every $10 spending through OpenRice takeaway services.
That is, for every $10 spending, you will get 1 OpenRice point.
Example 1: Pay $130, you get 13 OpenRice point.

OpenRice Pay (Only applicable to V6.2 or above):
You can earn Rice Dollars rebate for spending $20 or above if you choose Alipay, BoC Pay or PayMe.
Example 1: Pay $200, you get Rice Dollars $1 (10 OpenRice points).
Example 2: Pay $500, you get Rice Dollars $2.5 (25 OpenRice points).

10 OpenRice points can convert to Rice Dollars $1.

*Not applicable to Alipay/ AlipayHK mini program

  • Confirm the fastest pickup time and click ‘Order’
  • Click ‘Change’ to choose your available time
  • Click ‘+’and add the items you would like to purchase in the basket
  • Click ‘View Basket’ and review your order
  • Place Confirm your order, enter your contact details and pay
  • Choose the payment method and follow the payment process
  • Once your order is confirmed, the merchants will receive the notification intensely
  • Add your order to Basket on Restaurant Takeaway Service Page, click "Checkout" afterwards
  • Click "Enter Promo Code"
  • Click "Add Promo Code"
  • Insert the promo code and click "Apply"
  • The promo code has been applied on the order instantly
  • Choose "Takeaway"
  • Search Result of ‘Takeaway’ Listing will appear
  • When your order is place successfully, the order status will change to ‘Awaiting’
  • When the restaurant accepts the order, the order status will change to ‘Preparation’
  • You may pickup your order when the status changes to ‘Ready’
  • Besides, you may also check the pickup time as a reference

You can pay with Alipay balance , PayMe, BOC Pay, WeChat Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, UnionPay, Octopus or credit card. Payment will transfer when your order is being confirmed.

It depends to the restaurant. When your order is under the minimum spending, you may need to pay the balance as required.

Yes, we strongly recommended using your own utensil and supporting environmental friendly. Please state the number of utensil set you would like the restaurant to provide.

Yes. Your order need to meet the minimum spending set by the restaurant. Please consider the pickup time before you order.

When your order is accepted, you will receive an email and push notification. Please fill in your e-mail address in your personal information and turn on OpenRice push notification.

Please contact us: WhatsApp: 5742 0771 / takeaway-cs@openrice.com

You can cancel anytime if the restaurants have not accepted your order. Once the order is confirmed you may not be able to cancel or refund.

Please contact us if your order is not accept within 15 minutes.
WhatsApp: 5980 3614 / takeaway-cs@openrice.com

Please confirm your phone number and order number with the restaurant.

Yes. However, the food quality may be affected according to the pickup time. If you are not available (1) to pick up within the restaurant opening hour or 1 hour after your order (according to the earlier time); (2) the restaurant reserved the right to destroy, re make or non -refund ensue the food quality.

Restaurant may reject your order due to out of stock, service is unavailable or other reject accept order. We apologize for the inconvenience that may cause.

Please contact us within the day.
WhatsApp: 5742 0771 / takeaway-cs@openrice.com
We will refund as soon as possible once we confirmed with the restaurant.

Please contact the restaurant or us immediately.
WhatsApp: 5229 8724/ takeaway-cs@OpenRice.com
You may be able to refund or any other compensation. Please check your order once again before you leave the restaurant.

It depends on the cancellation time and payment method. In general, 7-14 working days are required.

Paid by Credit Card:
In general, 7-14 working days are required if it is settled by credit card as it depends on the different card-issued banks.

Paid by Alipay:
1. Pay by Balance: Refund will be deposited to your balance
2. Pay by credit card: The refund process will generally take 7-14 working days. Please seek the issuing bank for any cases that take more than 14 working days.

Paid by PayMe/UnionPay/BOC Pay: 
A refund will be deposited to your balance or debit account

Paid by Octopus:
1. Octopus card linked with Octopus App: Open Octopus App > In-App pus notification > Collect Refund
2. Octopus wallet: It will be refunded automatically to the Octopus Wallet.
3. Physical Octopus card:  Open Octopus App > Menu > Redeem Awards / Refund > Collect Refund by present physical Octopus card 

There could be several reasons for this:

  1. After cancellation of the order, the promo code will be usable again after 15 minutes.
  2. The Quota for that promo code is full.
  3. The promotion is expired.
  4. Your order hasn’t reached the minimum order requirement.
  5. Your order doesn’t satisfy the condition required for that promo code. Please contact our customer service for more details. WhatsApp: 5742 0771 / email to takeaway-cs@openrice.com

The promotion code can be used within 15 minutes after cancellation. A promotion code with a quota or time limit will be released to other customers. The promotion code cannot be used again in case of full quota or expiration.

How to use Rice Dollars for Takeaway?

*Please update OpenRice APP to 6.0 or above

  • Click "Select Offer & Checkout" after choose the foods
  • Click "Exchange to Cash" under Redeem points as Cash Option
  • Drag the slider to choose the amount to redeem and click "Continue" the payment flow

Rice Dollars will be returned to your OpenRice account within 1 – 2 Working days after cancellation. Please check the “Points Details” for the OpenRice Points record.

You can review your order though the OpenRice App under My OpenRice > Order Record.

Promo codes and Rice Dollars can be used for orders at the same time, but the actual payment amount must meet the minimum spending amount of the promo code.

For Example:
Promo code $20 for minimum spending $20.1, after used the promo codes, remaining amount is $80. You can use $59 Rice Dollars and paid $21. 


Please contact the restaurant or us immediately.
WhatsApp: 5229 8724 / takeaway-cs@openrice.com
You may be able to refund or any other compensation. Please check your order once again before you leave the restaurant.